Taking the high road… 

Taking the high road… 

It sounds simple enough in theory but practically its much more of a task. We all have a rough idea of how we would act in a certain situation, then when it actualy happens we behave in the exact opposite way. 

Granted we’re human and sometimes emotions run high and things happen way faster than logic can handle. 

I dnt know about you but Im my own worst critic and i usually perfom a post analysis when i lose my cool just to try and see how i could have acted different.  

I wunt lie, some people make it difficult to even remember the high road exists. Iv been having too many of these moments lately especially at work and iv just decided enough is enough. 

I wunt be that person who takes the bait and in the end looks like the bad guy. Some people dnt deserve you using so much energy just to prove your right. Thats what karma is for! 

Sooner or later they will get what’s coming to them and you wont even have to lift a finger! 

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